Welcome to Peacock Library!

Our library sits at the very heart of our school and is a favourite space for many of our children. It is managed and cared for by our school librarian, Mrs Jennings.

The library has been carefully organised to promote a love of reading, teach children how to use a library and to make good choices about what they read. Our books are organised alphabetically by author and there is a section for younger readers and non-fiction as well as a section for our most able readers. Children are allocated a library slot each week and during this designated library time, children have the opportunity to:
- Browse a wide selection of books, both fiction and non-fiction
- Select new books to take home - each child is allowed to take out two books at a time
- Talk about book choices with friends, teachers and the school Librarian
- Learn how a library works and how it is organised        
- Listen to teachers and the school librarian read aloud different texts from the library.

Outside of the designated Library session, children can visit the library throughout the week if they need to change or return their reading book. The library is open after school several days per week and we allow younger siblings of pre-school age to borrow books as well.