promoting positive behaviour
At Birch Copse, we place a large emphasis on celebrating achievements and the positive behaviour that our children display. We do this in several ways included these four whole-school approaches:

- House Points (see below for details)
- Learning and Citizen Reward Certificates. Awarded to individuals who have displayed the learning or citizen values throughout the week. Certificates are presented in a Reward Assembly (see below for details) with parents/ carers invited to attend.
- Great work display. Situated outside the Headteacher’s office, there is space for one piece of exceptional work from each class. This is regularly updated
- Praise from another adult in school. Children may be sent to see another teacher, member of staff, team leader or senior leader to share successes.

These approaches are complimented by various other reward systems at class level and individual level.

House Points

• Children are placed in one of 4 houses – Red, Yellow, Blue or Green
• These will also be the children’s Sports Day colour
• There will be an even spread in each year group
• Names of houses are to be chosen by School Council
• Children will be awarded a House Point by adults for following any of the School Values
• Children can earn 1, 2 or 3 house points at a time (e.g. 1 for holding a door open, 3 for extended perseverance in maths over the week)
• When a child has received a House Point, they will stamp their House colour marble jar poster in their classroom.
• When the marble jar poster is full, it should be taken to Mr Massey or Mr Micklewhite. They will exchange it for a ball of the House colour. The ball is placed in the house containers in the hall.
• Every half term the House Points are counted on a specified day (usually the Friday before the last week).
• Each ball in the container is worth 35 points
• Each poster will be collected in and all the stamps on it will be added to the total.
• The House with the most points will be the winners for the half term
• The results will be announced in the Friday assembly and in the bulletin.
• The winning House will be allowed to come to school in non-uniform for a day during the last week (usually the last day of half term)
• The House points will start from zero again from the next half term.

Reward Assembly

• These will take place 10 weeks a term
• Certificates will be awarded to children as either
• A Learner Award (for following the school Values of working hard, challenging themselves and perseverance
• A Citizen Award (for following the school values of being kind, respectful and polite)
• Up to 2 of each award will be given out in each assembly per class
• Class teachers will announce who will be getting the reward in their class on Friday of the previous week, giving the children the reason for being selected.
• Children’s names will go in the bulletin on the previous Friday
• Parents will be invited to the Reward Assembly